Spider-Man Crossover Edition Part 2

Insomniac Peter Parker Swings Over to the 616 Universe

(Spoiler Warning) Gamer-verse Peter Parker makes an appearance in the Comics 616 universe. Exclusive to Marvel Unlimited from the Infinity Comics lineup, creators Christos Gage, Simone Buonfantino, and Fer Sifuentes-Sujo bless fans with a special Spider-Man crossover. Spider-Man Unlimited brings together two of the most popular Spider-Men, Comics 616 universe Peter Parker & Insomniac gamer-verse Peter Parker. The two have actually crossed paths before in the comics, but it was very brief in the Spider-Geddon event. This time, they actually get familiar with one another.

Special Guest Features

What adds to Spider-Man’s marvelous lore is that he interacts with so many other characters, so of course this Spider-Man Unlimited comic has some surprise guest appearances.

Dr. Doom Bot

Early on, Dr. Doom sends a bot that our 616 Peter Parker encounters. Pete is confused as he only knows Dr. Doom to be a “bad guy.” They duke it out a bit before the bot gives Spider-Man a message about the universe being in trouble and that it’s his responsibility to fix it.

Adam Brashear Blue Marvel

Spider-Man seeks some help to track down the universal threat so he goes to one of the smartest people he knows in Blue Marvel. Adam Brashear also drops a mention of Monica Rambeau as someone who trusts Peter Parker.

Cloak & Dagger

Spider-Man also needs darkforce energy to charge a device and Cloak is just the guy he’s looking for.

Cartoon Universe Avengers

We get Spider-Ham, Iron Mouse, and Throg as our Spider-Men go through multiversal chaos.


The spot is the reason for all of Spider-man’s decisions as he is the main villain of the story. The Spot’s popularity since ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ of course has skyrocketed. He is also the reason 616 Spidey and Insomniac Spidey meet.

Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic Issue #3

616 VS Insomniac

As 616 Spider-Man finds & fights ‘The Spot’, The multiversal villain offers him a chance to go back in time to save the people he’s lost with the use of his powers. 616 Spider-Man doesn’t even think twice about turning that down because he’s a veteran. He understands that it’s wrong and that even his lost loved ones wouldn’t want that. He’s also knowledgeable when it comes to the multiverse. But ‘The Spot’ knows someone who isn’t yet, and that’s Insomniac Spider-Man whom he summons from one of his spots.

If you’ve played the Spider-Man games on Playstation, you know there haven’t been many multiversal elements within that story yet. Maybe Gamer-verse Peter Parker has experienced a small amount only from ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ and his Spider-Geddon comic.

Not only does ‘The Spot’ bring Insomniac Peter over, but he’s also convinced Peter to think that he can go back and save everyone. This is when the face-to-face gets interesting because you get to see just how similar and different both Spider-Men are.

Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic Issue #4

It leads to a great Spider-Man vs Spider-Man fight while 616 Peter is trying to talk some ‘sense’ (pun absolutely intended) into Gamer-verse Peter. The back and forth banter between the two goes exactly how you can imagine a Spider-Man fighting himself would go, it’s fantastic. Eventually he succeeds by meeting Gamer-verse Peter on an emotional level. At the end of the day, they are the same Peter Parker (insert pointing Spider-Man meme) that share similar experiences. One might of learned in the recent ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ film that all Spider characters must experience key moments in their lives called cannon events. But it’s the differences both the Peter Parker’s have as they learn more about each other that makes this an exciting read for any Spider-Man fan.

Some Key Differences

The first big difference which really makes 616 Spidey realize how deep this is for Insomniac Spidey is that he mentions losing Uncle Ben AND Aunt May.

Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic Issue #4

– 616 Peter mentions Gwen and of course, Gamer-verse Peter has no idea who Gwen Stacy is. Gwen or Spider-Gwen has yet to be established in the Insomniac universe.

– It wouldn’t be a Spider-Man conversation if MJ wasn’t brought up. Insomniac Spider-Man figured things out with MJ and gives 616 Spider-Man some flack for “messing that up.”

Soon after learning more about each other, they decide it’s time for a team up.

Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic Issue #5

As they figure out how to track ‘The Spot,’ we learn there are some differences in what they’re most knowledgeable about. One is better at engineering and the other is better or “more familiar” with physics.

Another nice reference was The Avengers as 616 Spidey brings Gamer-verse Spidey to the Avengers Mansion. Gamer-verse Spidey is shocked his counterpart is on the team.

Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic Issue #5

The Avengers and the Tower are always a topic of curiosity when it comes to the Gamer-verse. The possibility of running into other heroes is always something we can dream about. But as for now; we can enjoy Avengers Tower, the Wakandan Embassy, the Sanctum Sanctorum, and other easter eggs within the Gamer-verse. We’ll have to see what else they might throw in for Spider-Man 2.

There are more differences between the two Spider-Men as they go on a multiversal journey hunting down ‘The Spot’. The 12-issue series is ongoing, but if you have Marvel Unlimited, it is a great time to start. If you’re playing Spider-Man 2, it’s an opportunity to get to know the character a little more as he interacts with 616 Spider-Man.

More Crossovers for Insomniac Spidey?

It’s no secret, the Superhero genre is deep into the multiversal phase of storytelling. With that being said, the door for more crossover opportunities with the Insomniac universe is wide open. This Spider-Man Unlimited Comic is a ‘spectacular’ and historic crossover that features two of the most popular versions of the iconic Spider-Man character. Depending on the story of Spider-Man 2 and the connections the game makes, it’s quite possible to see more of Gamer-verse Peter Parker or Miles Morales in the future.

Earlier we got the ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ crossover, and now this Spider-Man Unlimited Comic series, What are you hoping to see next for the Insomniac Universe?


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