Spider-Man Crossover Edition Part 1

Insomniac Spider-man Across the Spider-Verse & Beyond?

Gamerverse Peter Parker from Insomniac Games is gaining more and more popularity. Some gamers would tell you that he’s their favorite Spider-Man. That’s how well-executed Playstation exclusive Spider-Man games have been. They’ve become so popular that Insomniac Spider-Man has begun popping up in other mediums.

At this point, the Playstation Spider-Man games are undeniable. Recently this year, Insomniac Peter Parkers swang over to the big screen for the first time for its first major big screen crossover, or a variant of him at the very least.

‘Across the Spider-Verse’ Spider Society Scene

We really must thank Miguel Ohara for creating the Spider Society and bringing together so many fan favorite Spider characters. When Miles Morales takes his tour inside the Spider Society, fans are met with tons and tons and tons of Spider variations. There was a character for every fan of Spider-Man fan out there. Fans of the Insomniac Playstation Peter Parker were also blessed with their Spider-Man showing up in a few scenes.

‘Across the Spider-Verse’ Spider Society Scene

The fact that a big time Sony Spider-Man film acknowledges the gamerverse Spider-Man is a huge accomplishment for Insomniac Games. It shows that what they’re doing over there, the story they’re telling, the universe they’re building, cannot be ignored. The film even took it a step further showcasing a glimpse of the gameplay for the upcoming Spider-Man 2 video game.

Crossover Leaves Burning Questions (Spoiler Warning)

So ‘Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse’ clearly acknowledges the the gamerverse. With how the movie ended, showing another Miles Morales as the Prowler in an alternate universe, a curious Spider-Man fan could have some questions. The film pegs everything on Miles Morales Spider-Man with Miguel Ohara calling him the anamoly. He’s not supposed to exist as Spider-Man in that universe. What’s interesting is that throughout the entirety of the film, they don’t bring up any other Miles Morales Spider-Man. The question is why?

Miles Morales is going to “do his own thing,” he’s going against Miguel Ohara, the Spider-Society, and his Prowler self. What would be ‘amazing’ for him to know is that he’s not the only Miles Morales SPIDER-MAN out there. This brings us back to how the film acknowledges Spider-Men from universes in which some may also have a Miles Morales Spider-Man in them, but interestingly doesn’t acknowledge those Miles Morales Spider-Men. The Insomniac Gamerverse specifcally is one of those universes that clearly has a Miles Morales Spider-Man

Spider-Man 2 Game Cover

Is there a reason for this this? Could they be saving this kind of revealation for ‘Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse’? Miles Morales getting confirmation that he’s not alone as a Miles Morales Spider-Man could be a cool way for him to feel 100% confident (not that he needs it) in who he is and what he’s supposed to be. It could also be a fun way for ‘Beyond the Spider-Verse’ to bring in even more Spider-Men, but just variations of Miles as a nice treat.

Spider-Man 2 Still

Upcoming Spider-Man 2 Game Crossover Possible Mention?

Spider-Man 2 for the Playstation 5 releases October 20th, 2023 and the hype is real. Fans are excited about what’s to come and the next story for one the most popular superheroes ever. With the length of the story being similar to the first game coming in at 17 hours, and based off what’s been showcased to us, we’re in for a hell of a ride. There will be so many easter eggs and Spider-Man lore mixed into this game. Something that could be interesting to keep an eye on is if there’s any mention whatsoever of the crossover from ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.’ Insomniac Peter Parker showing up in the film could simply be just a nod and strictly fan service for a couple of shots. But some kind of mention from the upcoming game would certainly have fans talking. This especially since Insomniac Peter Parker is gaining more and more popularity & experience with other Spider-Men from other mediums.

Recently, there was another Spider-Man crossover with the gamerverse. For more on that, check out Part 2 of the Crossover Edition.

What could be next for Insomniac Spider-Man?


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Spider-Man Crossover Edition Part 2

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