Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Unlimited Creative Freedom

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is widely known as one of the most successful and popular video games of all time. A large reason is because of its longevity. The game came out in 2017 and gamers were still playing & finding new things to do in Hyrule in 2023. Tears of the Kingdom somehow took that game and created something even better giving our boy Link even more toys to play with and an even larger sandbox to play in.

The rave reviews Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom got from Gaming Companies
Game Scores from Notable Gaming Companies

It’s quite possible Zelda fans could be playing Tears of the Kingdom for the next decade or more. While you could play Breath of the Wild for years, there was a point where you could run out of things to do. Tears of the Kingdom has made that almost impossible. It feels like if one wanted to stay in Hyrule forever, they could certainly do so in Tears of the Kingdom.

How Tears of the Kingdom expands on Breath of the Wild

Starting with the map of Hyrule, fans will get a very similar styled Hyrule with a few changes. Mostly because of what’s happening from above Hyrule, and from below. Above Hyrule are the Sky Islands which are exactly what they sound like, Islands of land scattered across the sky. Some of the islands are laying waste to the lands of Hyrule which are part of the disasters Link has to figure out.

Then there are the depths, which is a full map of Hyrule, underneath Hyrule. Exploring the depths is different than every other location and can be somewhat intimidating to some players due to it being more dark and eerie. There’s a lot to gain by exploring the depths as far as treasures, but there are certainly more dangers.

So players essentially get 3 maps to explore as Link. The game starts off in the Sky Islands and teaches players the new mechanics and Link’s new abilities. You are also introduced to the Zonai and their devices. After learning what’s new about the game and however long you choose to practice, you are free to go wherever, whenever. It’s almost as if the game drops you off and says “Go”.

You choose your own path

Perhaps the biggest emphasis of the game is the freedom to do whatever floats your boat. Whichever side quest, side adventure, main mission, or shrine you stumble upon in whichever order you like. There are so many distractions in Hyrule, it’s often difficult to stay on your intended path. Seeing something in the distance but getting sidetracked by any and everything is basically a staple of Tears of the Kingdom. But that’s what makes the game special in that truly whatever you immerse yourself in feels totally rewarding

It can be as simple as climbing something and trying to get to the top. It can be building a machine using the Ultrahand ability to get from point A to point B. Completing a shrine in a totally different way than what’s obviously intended. Or finding some super creative way to defeat a group of enemies. There is something satisfying about doing things your way.

Zelda Fans Go Crazy!

As mentioned before, doing things your way and using your own creativity is incredibly satisfying. It’s actually more satisfying than any treasure chest you will find. The way the game is designed on top of the mechanics allowing the opportunity to make essentially anything happen is rare. There are not many games that can compete with Tears of the Kingdom in that aspect. Therefore, the things you’re simply able to do in this game are more rewarding than the built-in rewards of the game itself.

If you can’t tell Zelda fans are enjoying Hyrule to the fullest, some of the craziest TOTK videos are on Twitter, Reddit, & Instagram.

Fan builds
Edited video to save time
Crazy Ultrahand builds

There are plenty more crazy Tears of the Kingdom videos out there. Some Zelda fans are dedicated to coming up with the flashiest combos to share online.

And of course, there’s a website (Zeldabuilds.gg) of all kinds of different builds from fans in which they can submit their own creations anytime. Most builds come with a step-by-step on how to assemble the pieces and sometimes a video is attached. You can find almost everything that’s been built in the game which is quite impressive.

To say the least, the game is epic. It is easy to spend hours and hours with Tears of the Kingdom. It doesn’t get much better for Zelda fans exploring the skies, the lands of Hyrule & the depths with Link’s new abilities.


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