Vinland Saga Season Two On The Way

What we can look forward to for season two of Vinland Saga

It was recently announced Vinland Saga will begin releasing the episodes of the second season at the start of 2023. For those who aren’t caught up on this anime and its 24 episodes being the first season, you can find them on Amazon Prime Video.

The animation producer hiroya Hasegawa himself said the second season would also be 24 episodes. It was also confirmed that the second season will be done by a different studio. For those who don’t know too much about this show, it’s about Vikings and Norse mythology which is something a little different from the usual fantasy-style anime shows made in Japan.

You get a unique blend of those historical connections mixed with the animations and art styles of Japanese anime. Oh, and the story itself is pretty sweet and the characters are badass like one would expect.

The description reads “Around the end of the millennium, Viking, the mightiest but atrocious tribe, had been outbreaking everywhere. Thorfinn, the son of the greatest warrior, lived his childhood on the battlefield. He was seeking the land of reverie called Vinland. This is the story of a true warrior in an age of turmoil.”

So without spoiling too much, Thorfinn is the main character and he’s easy to root for because the show puts his character through a lot of hardships and adversity at a young age. He learns to become SAVAGE as he grows older and his actions are almost warranted because of his past and the way he grows up. In season 1 he’s very narrow-minded as he’s hyper-focused on only one goal, in season 2 we can expect his character to expand.

Click to watch season 1

For season 2 Thorfinn’s goals will change and he’ll have to discover what those goals are. He certainly has skills, but who is he set out to be? It will be time for young Thorfinn to think about life beyond that one goal he was so fixated on accomplishing.

There’s still plenty of time to get through season 1. If you haven’t done so yet, do that and come back to check out the trailer for season 2 below! it will be interesting to see what’s next for our protagonist. What is your excitement level for season 2?


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